Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Psalm 119

Monday, December 20, 2010
The Gardenfire challenge is on!!
I grew up in the culture that encouraged me to spend most of my young life trying to "find myself". Who am I? and Why am I here? What does life have to offer me? Well I took way too much time trying to answer that question...but now I know! I am a sinner...I am here not of my own making and "life" doesn't know why either! You see, the problem is that only the one who creates something can truly explain what it is and why it has been created. Therefore for me to completely understand the Who and Why of me..I must find my creator. When I did, it changed my life and explained my existence. Now I know I am a sinner who has been redeemed by God the Savior and He has a wonderful life planned for me!
Our Creator is God, the Father and His desire for our lives is to love and be loved as He does. That sounds too good to be true, but I am here to tell you that after decades of searching, the Truth was right in my face all along. God is...God will...God only!!

Our Creator is God, the Father and His desire for our lives is to love and be loved as He does. That sounds too good to be true, but I am here to tell you that after decades of searching, the Truth was right in my face all along. God is...God will...God only!!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Like You

I guess we all have people in our lives that we like but would not want to be with all the time or they are just little more than aquaintences. But those who are soulmates or the ones we carry in our hearts...now that's another story! Those people are the ones I want to spend time with...share everything with...grow old with ...etc. They are the ones I love. So when Gardenfire prints "God doesn't like you" what it means is that God's care for you goes so far beyond an aquuaintence relationship. God wants to be soul-mates forever. Kinda gives the "BFF" a whole new meaning!!!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Spoiler Alert!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Choose Wisely

So with all these watchers, it is mandatory that we "walk the walk and talk the talk" in our lives. Choose wisely Who you will serve this day! Spread the message in this Gardenfire cotton-gospel that wisdom is a choice.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Finishing Nails

My mom was big on do-it-yourself projects like refurnishing furniture. Once she recovered the seat of an antique chair after having refinished the wood. I remember when she tacked the last small nail into the bottom thus fastening the fabric, she leaned back to admire her work and claimed, "It is finished!"
When Jesus was nailed to the cross, He was finishing the work planned for Him from the beginning. God knew what it would cost to reconcile us back to Him. And Jesus also knew the cost...yet continued His course for us. "It is finished" was the cry of Jesus as He breathed His last human breath on Earth. And Heaven morned the loss of One so great. But not forever! Jesus rose victorious on the third day. Because Jesus finished His work, we are no longer condemned to an eternity of shame and disgrace. The finished work of Jesus buys us passage to an abundant life with God, our Heavenly Father. Let us rejoice this Thanksgiving for we have received a most wonderful gift. Let us tell those who do not know that they, too, are able to accept the finished work of Jesus...Salvation from sin!!!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Born Again

There is nothing more precious than a newborn. You stare in amazement wondering how you can possibly take care of this helpless little bundle. Then you start to see similarities between the baby and you or your partner. The baby has your eyes, gramma's nose, dad's smile and Uncle Harry's curly hair. Every day that the baby grows, some feature changes until you finally see the established family resemblance.
So it stands to reason that if God is Spirit and we are born again in His Spirit, then we should resemble our Heavenly Father. Oh we won't look like Him, but we should certainly display the traits of His character. And as we spend time in His Presence should we not become a reflection of His grace and love? Would our speech not reflect His and our motivations be bathed in His likeness?
As I stare at myself in the mirror, I am sad to say that I see me...covered in God's mercy... but still me. That is the journey that I am on. When people see me do they see my Abba daddy? Do they see a person who desires to reflect the God of the universe? I am born again, but I'm not finished growing....I am only a shadow of my Father...look hard, be patient...I'm developing!
As I reflect on how we use this "born again" phrase, I am reminded that birth is a labor of love. No different for God's labor of birthing us into His Kingdom. Gardenfire has reminded me that my spiritual birth has cost God. We didn't come out right the first time....this is our redemption...treat it with care.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

If we were shopping for a plan of salvation with as much diligence as the shoppers mentioned earlier, would we find God's offer to be the best? Let's see: believe..repent...receive. Yeah, that sounds like a bargain to me. So, as I see it, God has the best offer for my future...eternity with Him. Now that's an offer I can not refuse!
But remember to act now...God's offer has an expiration date.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Love Is

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Soak Up The Son

When asked what kind of a getaway we would like to have, many of us dream of white beaches...green-blue crystal clear waters...and plenty of warm sun. The thought of leaving a hectic life behind for the peace and serenity of a tropical island is, I must admit, alluring. But when our souls are needing a vacation..a respite from life's demands, where do we go? Where is our place of soul-resting.? Where can our spirits refresh from the daily grind?
That's a no brainer!!! Run to Jesus! He is our comforter and shield against all that buffets us. Go soak up the SON. Christians often make the simplest things hard and the hardest things to simplistic. But this is as easy as it gets. Run...don't walk...run into the arms of Jesus and let Him take care of you.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
River Of Life

What a wonderful analogy for what happens when you jump in the River of Life! Just go with the flow, relax in God's presence and trust Him to
bring you to the most amazing places. Doesn't matter if you don't know how to swim...the buoyancy of God's love will keep you afloat...Jesus is your traveling companion and the Holy Spirit will keep you from harm. What a way to go!!!! Kudos to Gardenfire, once again, for inspiring us to look everupward for grace and direction.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
To Know And Be Known

Most of what drives us in life is the need to be loved, appreciated, and understood... Another way we are "made in His image". That need was so strong in God, that He created a being that could communicate with Him, walk along side of Him, and desire to spend time with Him. Of course, that being is us.
Then, we spend a life time looking for just the right helpmate, just the perfect group of friends, most rewarding jobs, even extreme hobbies or interests. All to feel loved...have someone to share with...and have companionship. How strange that we don't realize our need for God and His need for us!
To know God and be known by God is the single most important criteria for our "happy-ever-after". Let's not look all around when the answer is staring us in the face. Search for God...find God...and start living!!! He is most certainly looking for you!!!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Fishers Of Men

I do not make any claims to being a true fisherman, but have enjoyed many a day throwing a line and waiting for dinner to snatch my worm. I have never caught a huge fish, nor the most fish, nor have I ever won a prize for fishing. But the experience of fishing has always brought a sense of relaxation and contentment.
Jesus calls us to be fishers of men. Are we to hook them? Lay in wait until an unsuspecting mortal comes by then snatch them from the water..perhaps mount them on the wall as a trophy?
I think not. Instead, Jesus calls us to be armed with the word...ready in the Spirit...and allows God's Mercy to snatch them from the pool of death into the light of salvation. It is the diligence and commitment of a true fisherman to which Jesus is referring.
He was speaking to men whose livelihood depended on their ability to fish. It is their unyielding work ethic for which we as Christians must strive. The dogged determination to follow through whatever it takes.
I once heard the term..due diligence and find it appropriate here. Unending..non-stopping..complete focus on bringing the lost to Jesus. Be ye therefore fishers of men for God's Glory and for the sake of their Salvation in Jesus Christ!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Armored & Dangerous

So what are we to do? The secret is in the desire to trust God and have the faith to believe in the unseen. We are armed and dangerous to evil when we are clothed in His power by His direction following His purpose. Another Gardenfire visual for a God given truth!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Race 2 Win

Scripture tells us to "run the good race". We are little children in God's eyes and we too must run as if our lives depended on it. For in fact...our lives do depend on how we represent!
Gardenfire uses the "cotton gospel"medium to spread the word that our lives are to be a race run for the Glory of God and the prize.....eternity with our Heavenly Father!!! Now, that's a race worth winning!
Monday, August 16, 2010

When I was little, I clung to my daddy's hand whenever we were out and about. His hand was rough but very big and strong. When daddy had my hand, I was safe. I didn't think about where we were going or what might happen along the way. My daddy was in control.
Now that my daddy is gone and even though I am older, I miss his hand...his guidance...his security.
God says in His word that He will be a Father to the fatherless. God says that He will lead and direct us...that He will protect us and be with us always. Do not worry....Abba Father has us in the palm of His hand. What have we to fear? Gardenfire has given us words that are so very clear..."I hold the hand that holds the world"...and He holds me!! Thank you, God.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It shows our respect and devotion to Him on whom we can depend. Yes, it makes us humble too. To grant someone the right to determine what we do and do not get is to bow down to another's authority over our lives. Prehaps God wants us to remember that He is the captain of our lives....we do easily forget His grace and love for us. When I was a child, I did not question my parents' care for me nor their authority over my dominion. When I got older, I realized that they always had my best welfare in mind. So it is with God. He is our Father and as such He protects and guards our lives. Trusting Him without question is hard. Leaning not to our own understanding is hard. But that is what is required of us and when armed with willingness and faith, we are always secure in His love.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Don't Worry

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
East West

Often we would look at each other in complete amazement and then finally my husband turned to me and said, " I have never seen anything this big! There is no beginning and no end. It just goes on forever!"
That is the best explanation of the extent of God's love for us. He removes our failure...our shame...our sin so far from us that we can not find the end when we are wrapped in His love. Now, who wouldn't want that kind of love and mercy in their lives?
God, help us to accept Your immense love. Help us to believe what we cannot see. Help us to follow Your ways and love each other as You love us. I recently heard a quote that I have taken a shine to..."Love is the only true reality". Let me rephrase that from a Christian perspective..."God's love for us is the only true reality!" And that, my friends, is all we need to know....write me.
Monday, July 5, 2010
You On His Mind

Think how exhausting it must get for God to be our champion 24/7. Yet, that's the good news...He never gets tired of loving us...caring for us...wanting to spend time with us. We are always on His mind. Even when His Son died for us....we were on His mind. How can we not think of Him?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Wave Walker

Now I know that God is my help in all situations. But today my faith is weak and all I can see are the waves sweeping over consuming me in doubt and fear.
Gardenfire has a word for me today and it is printed on this t-shirt! I need to be like Peter...get out of the boat and walk to Jesus! Be a "wave walker" not a victim of the wave to be tossed and thrown and swallowed up. I need to plant my feet on top of the wave and walk the crest holding to my Savior's hand. Gardenfire has reminded me to "Fear Not" and it is advise for such a time as this! Thanks to all the gang at Gardenfire and for Christians who are walking the wave to victory. Keep me in your prayers.....This shirt and its good Word for the day has given me hope when I felt that I was drowning. How about you? Did it speak to you too? Send me an email and let Gardenfire know how they minister to you.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The Body

Gardenfire has presented us with a t-shirt that proclaims this rich truth. Christians are to be living examples of God's Grace. We are to function as a body..each with significance and working together for the same purpose. Gardenfire's design reminds us that we are not a stagnant structure of morter and stone. We are a living, breathing unit of many parts...we are The Body of Christ...We are The Church!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
His Love

In our world we can buy our way out of any situation ...or sue our way into money...or lie our way into respectability. But in God's world there is only purity and truth. Therefore only the most extreme price would cover so grievious a crime.
To all Christians out there...to all rebels...to the unsure...to the depressed and broken...to the mighty...to the intellectual...to all people...God had a plan to wipe the sin out of our lives. The plan was, is, and always will be Jesus, His only Son. Gardenfire has relayed this message in such a way that there can be no misunderstanding. Your opportunity to spread the "Cotton Gospel" is unending with design after design declaring God's love and mercy for us. Spread the Word...Live the Truth...wear the shirt!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Love The Lord

"Love Me with all your heart, my child" His gentle voice reached to her. She did and does. And He, the God of that night, has never left her, forgotten her, nor disappointed her.
All because she dared to take God at his word..."Love Me with all your heart".
God's message...His voice...can be found everywhere. Even on a t-shirt...the cotton gospel!
Share your faith in this loving God. Wear it...sing it...live it...be it!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Scripture says do not conform to the world but be transformed into the likeness of Jesus.
No, there is no APP for that...but there is a clear path set down for us in His Word. For those who don't have a bible or don't care to open its pages yet, this t-shirt (or any from Gardenfire) may be a first glimpse into God's word. So if you 'talk the talk" then wear the "talk" as a witness to unbelievers and as an encouragement to the rest of us. Let everything you do be a testimony to His greatness. No, there is no APP....but there is salvation!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
On A Limb

I think that's why many Christians don't wear christian t-shirts. When you have your body plastered with a logo of some type, you are making a statement for the world to see. Somehow advertising a sport or a clever media-formulated one liner is not a threat that reveals who we really are. But put on a christian t-shirt and you open the doors to all sorts of comments and speculations from the world. At Gardenfire we give honest, scripturally-based words that share God's Heart in a non-threatening way. These shirts allow the wearer to open a witnessing opportunity without judgement or fear.
Jesus went out on a limb that seemed to be the death of Him. But it was the Life for us that He chose. Go out on a limb for Jesus and help someone else find the Life Jesus offers. Wear your message with the knowledge that God will provide opportunities to share His Love and Grace. Are you out there? Let me know how it's going!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
the man upstairs

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Best Weekend Ever

Christians are often accused of preaching an impossible-to-grasp message. Not so with this one!
Jesus loves you...He died for your sin..He lives so that you might know Him! Yeah Gardenfire for the simple truth caught in cotton!!!Hey! Anyone out there? Does this shirt's message grab you?? Let me know.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Cheat Death

I got to the designated hotel one hour before activities were to begin. This would give me enough time to check in, relax a little from the work day, and catch a little dinner. While in the cafe of the hotel, a man walked in and joined an elderly couple sitting a few tables from me. Within minutes a crowd of screaming men and women were trying to push into the restaurant. They were sent away but the disturbance was irritating to the customers.
After a lovely dinner and two cups of coffee, my girlfriend joined me and we excitedly talked of our expectations for the weekend (by now I was excited with the thought of my girls-weekend-out). My friend turned to me and whispered rather breathlessly, " Do you know who that is?" pointing to the man and the elderly couple. "No", I admitted. "That's Jerry Garcia!!! Of the Grateful Dead!!! I forgot he was giving a concert this weekend."
Not wanting to appear stupid but not knowing who Jerry Garcia was, I simply said "Oh..Yeah". Since then I have figured out who the man was. And about his band..The Greatful Dead. But here's the thing....aren't we, as Christians, the real greatful dead? I am dead to my sinful past...dead to my past failure. The old me is dead to Jesus because I am saved by His Blood to walk in the newness of His abundant Mercy and Grace. So I am eternally greatful that I have new life...new hope...new peace...new chances everyday to follow Him. Are you "greatful" as well? Write me and let me know what you think.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Deciding to "teach me a lesson" one day, my mother continued shopping and left me at the book area. In a short while I tired of the books but when I looked for my mother she was no where to be seen.
I panicked and searched for her up and down the aisles. Nowhere...she was nowhere! Convinced that she had been stolen from me, I sat down in the middle of the floor and wailed.
Several store workers and a concerned older lady rushed to my rescue. Through tears I explained that I was lost and couldn't find my mother. Just as I finished my sad tale, my mother walked up to the small crowd surrounding her frightened daughter.
"She is not lost", my mother began. "Only confused and misguided. I told her never to leave my sight. She did ...now she will understand why she must never wander away". With that my mother scooped me up in her arms, hugged me, and carried me off to the shopping cart(which was just around the corner where she had been following me the entire time).
I promised never to wander off again...and I never did!...and she promised that as long as I followed her I would always be safe.
A lesson for life was learned that day. Yet in later years I wandered once again. I wandered from God through my own willfulness and immaturity. He found me and scooped me up in His arms. He hugged me and promised me that as long as I followed Him I would always be safe. I once was lost...but now am found....Glory to His name!!!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Cheer The Leader!

Love this simple idea...the addition of "the" changes everything. It steers attention towards "leader" and makes "cheer" a verb...an action. So we have to "do something for your Savior!". What a great way to praise the One Who saved us and gave us new life!
If we would just shift our focus from ourselves or our situation to the God Who loves us....well, you know what happens!!!
Find a way today to Cheer The Leader...can I get an Amen???
Monday, April 5, 2010
Sinner Saved

But, He never tells us to wait when we ask for forgiveness! God stands ready to wrap His arms around us 24/7. He even beats us to the punch..."in that while we were yet sinners....!!!
He tells us that "we have not because we ask not" and then makes sure we are ready for whatever He gives us. The debt we God owe cannot be paid, but for His love He only asks us to love Him in return. Seems the least we can do for One Who gave His all that we might be free!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Jesus Loves This Guy

If you wanted Jesus to wear a t-shirt that represents your truth..what would it say! He has worn our shame and sin...why not our declaration of eternal love and devotion?
Would it say"And this guy(or gal) loves Jesus!!!!!!!
Hey, let me hear from you!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The Way

But, I also love "Counselor". In the mixed up world we live in, you can get very confused, hurt , and disillusioned. It helps to have someone help you as walk through the murky waters, so to speak, and give direction and clarification. A counselor is a much needed voice in the darkness of pain, shame, or suffering of any kind.
Then there is "Rabbi", the spiritual guide or voice that beckons us and turns us toward Heaven.
Each of these names are vital parts of the mission of Jesus and who He is. But, my favorite name is "I AM". I AM mercy... I AM truth... I AM salvation. ..I AM forgiveness.. .I AM creator... I AM trustworthy... I AM grace... I AM hope... I AM help... I AM merciful....and so on and so on. His person encompasses all that is good and holy. In acknowledging Himself as "I AM", He aligns His identity with God the Father. Remember He says..." If you have seen me, you have seen the Father..." Yeah, I think "I AM" just about says it all! Are you out there? What do you think?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

While this may be a normal experience for various reasons, I think God realized that the weaknesses of our humanity would cause us to stumble at times. The task was too much for us alone. I believe that's why Holy Spirit has the job of calling the sinner and wooing him or her towards conviction. It is our joy to share, but Holy Spirit breathes truth into the hearts of those who are receiving the word.
What a relief! And, as if that wasn't enough, Holy Spirit turns what seems like foolishness into a power that can save the lives and souls of all who listen! Some just hear...but for those who listen, the word of God is pure and unconditional love that promises everlasting salvation. So relax....all you need to do is share the word...God does the rest! Happy sharing...hey! are you out there? Write me....
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
So Yesterday

Can you think of a more gracious gift that God the Father has given us? Yahoo!!!we are free. Celebrate and tell the world...God has freed you from the bonds of sin through Jesus Christ!!! Hey. are you out there? Give us a shout back....
Monday, March 1, 2010
Nothing But The Blood

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Several years ago I was on a plane from Kansas City heading back home. The plane had engine problems while in the air and the next thing I knew, the Flight Attendant was yelling "Head down, stay down, Prepare for emergency landing. Head down, stay down, prepare for emergency landing!" That was when I realized we were in deep trouble. Now some will say they saw their life flash before them. Not me...I was acutely aware of my surroundings. Everything seemed to slow down...time became suspended...and I watched as passengers prepared for their fates. One man took off his wedding ring, kissed it then placed it in his pants pocket. A woman got out pictures of children. She showed them to me across the aisle. "My grandchildren", she said with tears in her eyes. A small boy sitting in front of me with his dad shrunk down into his dad's side. "Are we going to die, Dad?" The man,obviously frightened, looked at me and whispered... "What do I say?" I gathered my own courage and replied, "Tell him that you love him". Moments that seemed like hours passed until the Captain told us that we had averted danger by the Grace of God. Now, I don't know if the captain was a believer, but at that moment he definitely was trusting a higher power. I have shared this story several times stating that I had no trouble sharing God's love in those moments. Yet, I find it hard to share my beliefs with my neighbors, people I know and work with, even friends that I know do not believe in God. The Bible tells us to "go into the world..." God, give me Your Grace and courage to go next door...down the street...around the corner. Help me to speak of Your love and mercy to all. Not just in time of crisis but as part of my everyday life. Anyone got a story? Share it with us....
Monday, February 15, 2010
Non Conformist

During childhood we spend a great deal of time doing things our own way only to be reminded, in one fashion or another, that we must fit in with the rules of society...act properly...do the right thing. Then in our teen years we follow every trend, fad, and media ploy to fit in ...be cool...find acceptance. Through each phase we say we are "finding ourselves". When actually all we are doing is following the pack and looking like clones of each other. Every time we say we are fighting against conformity, we are running headlong into sameness...we are conforming. God says that we are made in His imagine. Is that conforming?
If you know anything about the nature of God it is that He loves even desires diversity. All creation speaks to His imagination and creativity. So it stands to reason that God also revels in the differences of each of us. His image is complex and differentiated. And so are we. Romans tells us not to conform to the world but be transformed through the renewing of our minds. In other words, our mindset must line up with God's. Children have the same traits as their parents. If we are to reflect our Heavenly Father, then as His children, we will act like Him, think like Him, and look like Him. I am working on this. What are your thoughts? Anyone out there? Write me and tell me about your "conforming" lessons in life.
Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010
One God..One Son..One Choice

I wonder if this T-shirt upsets anyone. For some, the thought that they will one day bow down to the One they have refused must seem offensive. And what gives us the right to "judge" them or set ourselves above their beliefs. But there's the rub....it is not us who judge nor us who set ourselves above. At least if we are true followers of Jesus then we must obey His word....speak the truth in love. Yes, we will all bow down but to the God who has been calling us all to follow Him. Tell me what your experiences have been when you wore this shirt. How do handle those who oppose your beliefs? Are you out there?
Friday, January 22, 2010
One Moment

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Clean Slate

Today I thought of those tiles and how they are like my life. I get covered in the debris and rubbish that comes with living . Somewhere is the glow of my faith but I have lost my sparkle. Then, I hear my Heavenly Father say "Clean the slates!" And before I know it the Holy Spirit has given my attitude a good cleaning and I am all sparkly again. Now, sometimes the stains are deep and require some scrubbing....but God is faithful and true. When He calls us "His own", you can rest assured He will take care of us. Hey, anybody up for a good old fashion Holy Spirit scrubbing? Write me and let me know you're out there...
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