I do not make any claims to being a true fisherman, but have enjoyed many a day throwing a line and waiting for dinner to snatch my worm. I have never caught a huge fish, nor the most fish, nor have I ever won a prize for fishing. But the experience of fishing has always brought a sense of relaxation and contentment.
Jesus calls us to be fishers of men. Are we to hook them? Lay in wait until an unsuspecting mortal comes by then snatch them from the water..perhaps mount them on the wall as a trophy?
I think not. Instead, Jesus calls us to be armed with the word...ready in the Spirit...and allows God's Mercy to snatch them from the pool of death into the light of salvation. It is the diligence and commitment of a true fisherman to which Jesus is referring.
He was speaking to men whose livelihood depended on their ability to fish. It is their unyielding work ethic for which we as Christians must strive. The dogged determination to follow through whatever it takes.
I once heard the term..due diligence and find it appropriate here. Unending..non-stopping..complete focus on bringing the lost to Jesus. Be ye therefore fishers of men for God's Glory and for the sake of their Salvation in Jesus Christ!
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