1974 late in the evening in a one bedroom apartment in Georgia. A single young lady asleep in her room having cried herself to sleep from disappointment and frustration in the choices she has made with her life. Suddenly the phonograph comes on playing "Thou shalt love the Lord Thy God" by Second Chapter of Acts. She fumbles to the music and clicks the switch off and slumps back into her bed. An hour later the music starts again and this time she is frozen in her bed listening to the message of the song. "....with all thy heart, with all thy mind, with all thy strength..." Then Holy Spirit begins to minister to this young lady. God woes her and calls her to Himself. And in the midst of that night , alone in her room, she gives herself wholly and purely unto the Lord she knew as a girl in her Christian home. She surrenders to the love of a Savior she has been running from for years.
"Love Me with all your heart, my child" His gentle voice reached to her. She did and does. And He, the God of that night, has never left her, forgotten her, nor disappointed her.
All because she dared to take God at his word..."Love Me with all your heart".
God's message...His voice...can be found everywhere. Even on a t-shirt...the cotton gospel!
Share your faith in this loving God. Wear it...sing it...live it...be it!
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