Monday, March 29, 2010

Jesus Loves This Guy

There are many ways to pronounce our love for Jesus. While Jesus has shown His love in ways we never can, I think He takes pleasure in our telling Him anyway we can. And this shirt sure lets everyone know how the wearer feels. No hiding the fact!! Yet, as simple as this thought may be, it speaks to the deepest truth. Jesus loves we are, where we are, and how we are.
If you wanted Jesus to wear a t-shirt that represents your truth..what would it say! He has worn our shame and sin...why not our declaration of eternal love and devotion?
Would it say"And this guy(or gal) loves Jesus!!!!!!!
Hey, let me hear from you!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Way

Once I was asked which of the many names for Jesus was my favorite. Well, I love "Teacher" because without proper instruction you don't master the most simple of concepts. So, a good teacher is a very important person to have in your life. Besides that is my chosen profession so I have an affinity with teachers.
But, I also love "Counselor". In the mixed up world we live in, you can get very confused, hurt , and disillusioned. It helps to have someone help you as walk through the murky waters, so to speak, and give direction and clarification. A counselor is a much needed voice in the darkness of pain, shame, or suffering of any kind.
Then there is "Rabbi", the spiritual guide or voice that beckons us and turns us toward Heaven.
Each of these names are vital parts of the mission of Jesus and who He is. But, my favorite name is "I AM". I AM mercy... I AM truth... I AM salvation. ..I AM forgiveness.. .I AM creator... I AM trustworthy... I AM grace... I AM hope... I AM help... I AM merciful....and so on and so on. His person encompasses all that is good and holy. In acknowledging Himself as "I AM", He aligns His identity with God the Father. Remember He says..." If you have seen me, you have seen the Father..." Yeah, I think "I AM" just about says it all! Are you out there? What do you think?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Have you ever experienced a "snag" when sharing the gospel? I mean you're telling someone about the love of Christ and His sacrifice when all of a sudden you sense that he or she is not responding. In fact, you are feeling a negative force which causes you to falter. You begin to sound foolish and what you are explaining sounds ridiculous. How do you explain salvation, a God that forgives, and a life that you believe all should try?
While this may be a normal experience for various reasons, I think God realized that the weaknesses of our humanity would cause us to stumble at times. The task was too much for us alone. I believe that's why Holy Spirit has the job of calling the sinner and wooing him or her towards conviction. It is our joy to share, but Holy Spirit breathes truth into the hearts of those who are receiving the word.
What a relief! And, as if that wasn't enough, Holy Spirit turns what seems like foolishness into a power that can save the lives and souls of all who listen! Some just hear...but for those who listen, the word of God is pure and unconditional love that promises everlasting salvation. So relax....all you need to do is share the word...God does the rest! Happy sharing...hey! are you out there? Write me....

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

So Yesterday

"Yesterday..all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they're here to stay..." Words from a popular Beatles song. Not the song mantra of a believer! Our troubles ARE so far away because when we accept Jesus, He buries them forever. Our slate is wiped clean! We are new creations!!
Can you think of a more gracious gift that God the Father has given us? Yahoo!!!we are free. Celebrate and tell the world...God has freed you from the bonds of sin through Jesus Christ!!! Hey. are you out there? Give us a shout back....

Monday, March 1, 2010

Nothing But The Blood

Years ago I was having a conversation with a young man who had been placed in a home for troubled youth . Seems he was mad at his mother and set fire to his family home. On this particular night he had been watching a Count Dracula movie. Never having seen one, I was intrigued. Not with the movie but with his face as he watched. All the horror of the creature's evil came to bare on a few unsuspecting folk as they were ravished by the night stalker. All of a sudden it hit me! This monster drained you of your life- flowing blood then commanded you as his slave for the rest of your undead life. I turned to my young friend and asked him if he knew the difference between Dracula and Jesus. "What? What do you mean?"was his reply. Well, the story of Jesus is bloody,I began, but Jesus gave His blood so that you might live not die. He freed you from slavery so that you might have life eternal with Him. He gives you life...not take it away. In that one simple statement the young man got Jesus for the first time. Nothing but the Blood can save you...heal you...guard you from sin. Nothing but the Blood of the Most High Lord can keep you from eternal death. Nothing...No Thing..but the Blood of Jesus! Are you out there? Tell me what you are thinking....