There is nothing more precious than a newborn. You stare in amazement wondering how you can possibly take care of this helpless little bundle. Then you start to see similarities between the baby and you or your partner. The baby has your eyes, gramma's nose, dad's smile and Uncle Harry's curly hair. Every day that the baby grows, some feature changes until you finally see the established family resemblance.
So it stands to reason that if God is Spirit and we are born again in His Spirit, then we should resemble our Heavenly Father. Oh we won't look like Him, but we should certainly display the traits of His character. And as we spend time in His Presence should we not become a reflection of His grace and love? Would our speech not reflect His and our motivations be bathed in His likeness?
As I stare at myself in the mirror, I am sad to say that I see me...covered in God's mercy... but still me. That is the journey that I am on. When people see me do they see my Abba daddy? Do they see a person who desires to reflect the God of the universe? I am born again, but I'm not finished growing....I am only a shadow of my Father...look hard, be patient...I'm developing!
As I reflect on how we use this "born again" phrase, I am reminded that birth is a labor of love. No different for God's labor of birthing us into His Kingdom. Gardenfire has reminded me that my spiritual birth has cost God. We didn't come out right the first time....this is our redemption...treat it with care.
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