What is Eternity? How long is it really? If there is no end, how was that determined? When does Eternity begin? The real question here is time. Defined by us in seconds, minutes, and days, we look for ways to understand the flow of life. It is our human nature to order things and when we have no method of ordering we call it "forever", "unending", and "eternity". But in God's world He has no boundaries nor need to calculate His movements nor explain them. Therefore, in His time this word "Eternity" becomes an existence where God reigns supreme weaving the flow of life into a tapestry of His making. And this safe, unending time is ours as His children. Fear does not exist in Eternity with God. But Eternity without God does exist and we call it Hell. Christians have a God given duty to tell unbelievers about Eternity with God and Eternity without God. How will you spread the word? By mouth? By example? By t-shirt? Choose a way and tell....tell them about Eternity with God!
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