My mom was big on do-it-yourself projects like refurnishing furniture. Once she recovered the seat of an antique chair after having refinished the wood. I remember when she tacked the last small nail into the bottom thus fastening the fabric, she leaned back to admire her work and claimed, "It is finished!"
When Jesus was nailed to the cross, He was finishing the work planned for Him from the beginning. God knew what it would cost to reconcile us back to Him. And Jesus also knew the cost...yet continued His course for us. "It is finished" was the cry of Jesus as He breathed His last human breath on Earth. And Heaven morned the loss of One so great. But not forever! Jesus rose victorious on the third day. Because Jesus finished His work, we are no longer condemned to an eternity of shame and disgrace. The finished work of Jesus buys us passage to an abundant life with God, our Heavenly Father. Let us rejoice this Thanksgiving for we have received a most wonderful gift. Let us tell those who do not know that they, too, are able to accept the finished work of Jesus...Salvation from sin!!!
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