During childhood we spend a great deal of time doing things our own way only to be reminded, in one fashion or another, that we must fit in with the rules of society...act properly...do the right thing. Then in our teen years we follow every trend, fad, and media ploy to fit in ...be cool...find acceptance. Through each phase we say we are "finding ourselves". When actually all we are doing is following the pack and looking like clones of each other. Every time we say we are fighting against conformity, we are running headlong into sameness...we are conforming. God says that we are made in His imagine. Is that conforming?
If you know anything about the nature of God it is that He loves even desires diversity. All creation speaks to His imagination and creativity. So it stands to reason that God also revels in the differences of each of us. His image is complex and differentiated. And so are we. Romans tells us not to conform to the world but be transformed through the renewing of our minds. In other words, our mindset must line up with God's. Children have the same traits as their parents. If we are to reflect our Heavenly Father, then as His children, we will act like Him, think like Him, and look like Him. I am working on this. What are your thoughts? Anyone out there? Write me and tell me about your "conforming" lessons in life.
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