I heard a saying once....a hero doesn't choose the moment...the moment chooses the hero. I believe that to be true in our lives. But not in the life of God's only son. Since the foundation of time, Jesus knew His moment. From the beginning God's plan for our redemption was the cross. Jesus was born and lived knowing what His "moment" was and even though in human weakness He asked for another way, He followed God's plan to the letter. Jesus' decision to obey His Heavenly Father became our moment too. Our freedom was bought on that cross. Without His obedience there would be NO "whosoever believeth shall not die, but have everlasting life". Jesus' moment ...His agonizing, painful, rejected by all, life-giving moment became the greatest gift ever given to humanity. Thank you God for your "no-greater-love"!! Anyone listening? Tell me what you think....
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