For each thought of happiness and blessing, a voice contradicts my mind and reminds me of a sadness or hardship or an uncertainty in my present surroundings. I try to squeeze the darkness out and think happy thoughts, but instead I sink slowly into a state of "poor me".
Now, what has brought this on? I think back over the last few days and only recall good times. Hmmm...I have become melancholy! A condition that I experience whenever I am not in control of all the issues in my life. Which, I might add, is at least once a week. I shake myself and remind myself of all that God has done and is doing.
I recall each blessing, at least all the ones I can name but find that soon I am overwhelmed with God's grace.
Then I begin to laugh...yes, once again I think I have "arrived" at my state of grace. You know, the place where you can sit back and just wait for God to come and get you...you never have to lift a finger ...never need to spend hours in prayer repenting 'cause now you are righteous...never need to think of others before yourself.
Well, He reminds me that I have not"arrived" yet and should not quit my day job of leaning on Him and being a living sacrifice of worship to Him. So, I am back on track.
And I share this with you...Open your hearts to God's grace this new year. Listen intently for His purpose then seek with all your being to obey His word. Be kind to others and do them no harm. Love one another as He loves and run to Him whenever you can for He waits to be with you. Happy New Year and may God shine His face upon you!