My Mother and I had a routine when we went grocery shopping. Of course, it began once I was about 8 years old. She would shop and I would race to the magazine/toy section where I occupied myself choosing the book, magazine, or puzzle that I would buy with my allowance. The rules were simple. I could stay there until she got to that aisle. I could not wander off or run around the store. I was to be respectful of the merchandise and not talk to strangers. Now in truth, she was within four aisles of me at any given moment and because of the way the store was setup, she could see me every time she started a new aisle. But I didn't know that. I basked in my new independence and freedom feeling grownup and sure of myself. On one occasion as my Mother came around the corner to pick me up I saw her but instead of responding when she called, I ignored her. She called to me once again but I didn't acknowledge that I had even heard her. Quickly her "bothering" me ended and I went back to full concentration on looking at the books and toys. What seemed like a long time passed and my Mother was nowhere to be seen. I looked up and down the aisles now sure she had forgotten me. I broke the rules and left my assigned spot beginning to travel all over the store even asking strangers if they had seen my Mother. No one could help. My bottom lip began to quiver and as I retraced my steps, I panicked....I was lost, alone, and forgotten. The sense of fear completely overwhelmed me and I sat down in the middle of the store aisle and cried.
Within minutes an announcement came over the store's loudspeaker, "If you are missing your daughter, she can be found in aisle 6". Now the whole store knew I was lost and I couldn't decide if I was more scared of being lost or of my Mother's anger over my disobedience. Just seconds later I saw her! And she was smiling...at me! I ran to her and told her how sorry I was that I had ignored her and that I would never do it again. She took my face in her hands and said, "Sweetie, I knew where you were all the time. I just need you to realize that following my directions is for you own safety and happiness. I would never loose you or forget you. I love you".
Well, that settled it! My Mother loved me even though I had messed up. She would always love me and be there for me.
Gardenfire brings to remembrance God's word to us. He, Almighty Father, will never leave us...He will never abandon us...He will never allow harm to come upon us...We must listen and obey. How wonderful to know this kind of love. Christians are not to fear for God is ever before us. Gardenfire brings this life-changing message in an art form that we can share with all we encounter.Wear the Word...Share the Word...Live the Word!!
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