Some might think that to love nature is new age. Some might be offended by those who find awesome beauty in creation. Some might confuse loving creation as a substitute for loving the Creator. But if you listen closely you will hear God's heart in all He has made. The wind carries His voice in secret and quiet ways. The rocks and hills declare His majesty and the oceans show His power as it covers the earth. Every creature is a testimony to God's incredible imagination and design. Yet it is us that God has chosen as His best work. It is us with whom God desires to have relationship. It is for us that Jesus died and rose again thus buying our reconciliation back into the Heavenly family. So do not dismiss the world and its wonder. All creation is an expression from a Mighty God who takes delight in all He has made. We, too, do honor to God when we give thanks for all He has created. Enjoy the beauty and awesomeness of this world and thank our heavenly Father for your life and for loving you beyond measure. He created this world for us and lovingly gave us dominion over it to guard and preserve this earthly garden. Rejoice, for One so Great loves you. Sing His praise in everything you do!
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