Even musicians "Cross over" when they incorporate a new genre in their music. It is sort of a rite of passage to "cross over" into whatever as we mature or just change our thinking.
Gardenfire reminds us that the only "Cross" that is true is the Cross upon which Jesus bought our freedom. We are not prisoners to a "cross over" into the dark side ...strange philosophies, or even mixed life styles. We are saved from all that is unholy and untrue through the Cross of Jesus.
Jesus saves us from Karma...that which we do to lead us into a better existence in our next life.
The Bible tells us that our next stop is eternity...either with Jesus or without Him. The salvation God offers comes with the security that we can do nothing in ourselves, but through Jesus we have all we will ever need and an eternity with Him. This security cost Jesus His life...all it costs me is my acceptance and love. What a deal!!! I say YES..what about you?
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