Love is a four letter word we throw around quite casually. "I love my new car". "I love fried chicken". "I love to walk on the beach". "I love weekends". "I love you". "I love God". But these I-love-you statements don't carry the same weight in each situation. The English language does not allow for us to show degrees of feelings. Love is used universally to mean a strong emotion we feel for a variety of objects and situations. So, how do we determine the extent or depth of our love? In our actions. How we treat, honor, handle, represent, or relate to the loved object or person declares our true intent. Therefore our "actions speak louder than words". It only stands to reason that when we say we love God, our actions would testify to the intense response of one sold out in body, soul, and mind to the Living God we worship. We show this action by loving Him and others. These two loves are so closely connected that the first cannot exist without the other in place.
We are taught as children.."Tell Gramma (or whoever) you love them...wave bye-bye..blow kisses". But as children grow older they learn to express their emotions by themselves. What a joy when the child runs into your arms and hugs freely professing love from the heart with no prompting other than the desired feeling itself. How glorious!!! To be loved for who you are and the special relationship you have built with this child!!!
This is the intent God desires. To hear His children say "I love you" and see His children run into His arms for the sheer joy of being close to Him. To declare our love because of who He is....that is the desire of our Heavenly Father. He waits for us with open arms. Run, child of God...Run into your Father's arms and tell Him you love Him!
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