We sing about it...we talk about it...we go to conferences, practices, and tweet about it....we wear shirts declaring it! Yes, we were made to worship and praise our Most High God! I often wonder what the outcome would be if I asked 100 people "What does Praise God mean? I would probably get 100 different answers all variations of the same concept. Scripture tells us that we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our mind, all our strength. That's a lot of loving to do! So I would guess that Praising Him would involve ALL of us in every way possible. Ever loved something or someone with complete abandonment? Gardenfire uses the image of a wild, free horse to illustrate our complete abandonment to the concept of loving God totally. We were made to give our selves totally to God in gratitude and service for our salvation, the sacrifice of Jesus. Often we look at this as a chore or payment. NO way!! There is nothing that we can do to repay our Heavenly Father. He only wants our love...all of it.
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