Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Psalm 119

Memory...it's been turned into a game...a study skill...a life skill...a measure of intelligence...a scientific study...a measure against dementia...and the brunt of jokes for senior citizens. Yet God has called us to use this gift to house the most precious of things...His Word! Our Heavenly Father tells us to hide His Holy Word in our hearts...in fact to memorize them and to meditate on them day and night. If God asks it ...then it must be necessary to our existence. Gardenfire reminds us all of the importance of God's Word in our lives. It is the only thing that can hold us together. His Word is our glue...our guide...our hope...and our light. Get His Word from your ears and eyes into your heart where it can make a home. Let God's Word find shelter in you so that it may shelter you from all that is around you and all that is to come.

Monday, December 20, 2010


The Gardenfire challenge is on!!

I grew up in the culture that encouraged me to spend most of my young life trying to "find myself". Who am I? and Why am I here? What does life have to offer me? Well I took way too much time trying to answer that question...but now I know! I am a sinner...I am here not of my own making and "life" doesn't know why either! You see, the problem is that only the one who creates something can truly explain what it is and why it has been created. Therefore for me to completely understand the Who and Why of me..I must find my creator. When I did, it changed my life and explained my existence. Now I know I am a sinner who has been redeemed by God the Savior and He has a wonderful life planned for me!
Our Creator is God, the Father and His desire for our lives is to love and be loved as He does. That sounds too good to be true, but I am here to tell you that after decades of searching, the Truth was right in my face all along. God is...God will...God only!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Like You

I guess we all have people in our lives that we like but would not want to be with all the time or they are just little more than aquaintences. But those who are soulmates or the ones we carry in our hearts...now that's another story! Those people are the ones I want to spend time with...share everything with...grow old with ...etc. They are the ones I love. So when Gardenfire prints "God doesn't like you" what it means is that God's care for you goes so far beyond an aquuaintence relationship. God wants to be soul-mates forever. Kinda gives the "BFF" a whole new meaning!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Spoiler Alert!

Whenever I am reading a good book I am tempted to turn to the last few pages and read to see how it ends. I never do because it is the journey in reading a story that I love. There is one book that I have read where I read the end before I read the beginning or end. As a little girl growing up in church, I was exposed to several sermons and teachings from the book of Revelation. I learned of the end of the world even before I learned of its creation. I remember being scared and my decision at age 10 to follow Jesus was in part due to having the "hell" scared out of me...literally. But I had wise parents who taught me about the "why" of Revelation and the warning God gives us. I learned about God's love for me and why He would have no evil in Heaven. I learned of His salvation for my life and for all who would trust Him and follow Him. If I had it to do all over, would I read the end first..again? You betcha!! The Bible is one book that I want to be very clear about. Wherever you turn in this book you find God's love and grace. Go ahead...read what happens...I dare you! Discuss it with others and my best hope is that if you don't know Jesus, find someone who does and ask them after all our sin why does God still love us? Read the Bible with the end in sight so that you may live with your sights set on Jesus!