Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cheat Death

The first women's retreat I ever attended was in Buffalo, New York. My husband encouraged me to go and I finally caved in and made the necessary reservation. I was not aware of exactly what was instore at one of these women parties. I certainly did not want to gossip or talk about the price of lettuce nor did I want to hear speakers touting the joys of homemaking. Not that I loathed homemaking but that topic was not what I felt I needed. I was hungry for building a deeper relationship with my Heavenly Father and being with inspirational women who had been tried and tested.
I got to the designated hotel one hour before activities were to begin. This would give me enough time to check in, relax a little from the work day, and catch a little dinner. While in the cafe of the hotel, a man walked in and joined an elderly couple sitting a few tables from me. Within minutes a crowd of screaming men and women were trying to push into the restaurant. They were sent away but the disturbance was irritating to the customers.
After a lovely dinner and two cups of coffee, my girlfriend joined me and we excitedly talked of our expectations for the weekend (by now I was excited with the thought of my girls-weekend-out). My friend turned to me and whispered rather breathlessly, " Do you know who that is?" pointing to the man and the elderly couple. "No", I admitted. "That's Jerry Garcia!!! Of the Grateful Dead!!! I forgot he was giving a concert this weekend."
Not wanting to appear stupid but not knowing who Jerry Garcia was, I simply said "Oh..Yeah". Since then I have figured out who the man was. And about his band..The Greatful Dead. But here's the thing....aren't we, as Christians, the real greatful dead? I am dead to my sinful past...dead to my past failure. The old me is dead to Jesus because I am saved by His Blood to walk in the newness of His abundant Mercy and Grace. So I am eternally greatful that I have new life...new hope...new peace...new chances everyday to follow Him. Are you "greatful" as well? Write me and let me know what you think.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


When I was a young girl I had a habit of wandering off to the book section in the grocery store. My mother always knew where I was and even though she did not want me to do this, I would go anyway not realizing that this unconscious choice to disobey was, in fact, a dangerous choice to make.
Deciding to "teach me a lesson" one day, my mother continued shopping and left me at the book area. In a short while I tired of the books but when I looked for my mother she was no where to be seen.
I panicked and searched for her up and down the aisles. Nowhere...she was nowhere! Convinced that she had been stolen from me, I sat down in the middle of the floor and wailed.
Several store workers and a concerned older lady rushed to my rescue. Through tears I explained that I was lost and couldn't find my mother. Just as I finished my sad tale, my mother walked up to the small crowd surrounding her frightened daughter.
"She is not lost", my mother began. "Only confused and misguided. I told her never to leave my sight. She did ...now she will understand why she must never wander away". With that my mother scooped me up in her arms, hugged me, and carried me off to the shopping cart(which was just around the corner where she had been following me the entire time).
I promised never to wander off again...and I never did!...and she promised that as long as I followed her I would always be safe.
A lesson for life was learned that day. Yet in later years I wandered once again. I wandered from God through my own willfulness and immaturity. He found me and scooped me up in His arms. He hugged me and promised me that as long as I followed Him I would always be safe. I once was lost...but now am found....Glory to His name!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cheer The Leader!

Love this simple idea...the addition of "the" changes everything. It steers attention towards "leader" and makes "cheer" a verb...an action. So we have to "do something for your Savior!". What a great way to praise the One Who saved us and gave us new life!
If we would just shift our focus from ourselves or our situation to the God Who loves us....well, you know what happens!!!
Find a way today to Cheer The Leader...can I get an Amen???

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sinner Saved

As my children were growing up they would often ask to do something or have something that was not appropriate for them yet. My response was always, "You must wait until you are older." Not what they wanted to hear! I have often wondered if God feels like I did when He has to tell us, "No, just wait a bit...it's not appropriate yet"
But, He never tells us to wait when we ask for forgiveness! God stands ready to wrap His arms around us 24/7. He even beats us to the punch..."in that while we were yet sinners....!!!
He tells us that "we have not because we ask not" and then makes sure we are ready for whatever He gives us. The debt we God owe cannot be paid, but for His love He only asks us to love Him in return. Seems the least we can do for One Who gave His all that we might be free!