Tuesday, June 29, 2010


What is Eternity? How long is it really? If there is no end, how was that determined? When does Eternity begin? The real question here is time. Defined by us in seconds, minutes, and days, we look for ways to understand the flow of life. It is our human nature to order things and when we have no method of ordering we call it "forever", "unending", and "eternity". But in God's world He has no boundaries nor need to calculate His movements nor explain them. Therefore, in His time this word "Eternity" becomes an existence where God reigns supreme weaving the flow of life into a tapestry of His making. And this safe, unending time is ours as His children. Fear does not exist in Eternity with God. But Eternity without God does exist and we call it Hell. Christians have a God given duty to tell unbelievers about Eternity with God and Eternity without God. How will you spread the word? By mouth? By example? By t-shirt? Choose a way and tell....tell them about Eternity with God!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Wave Walker

This has been a week of tense decision making and high emotion for me. Things have been difficult and what appeared to be easy has turned out to be hard and troublesome for me. The waves have gotten rough and there is a storm brewing. I keep reminding myself the my Heavenly Father has my back. He will see this through and He will not leave me destitute. But as Christians that is what we tell ourselves in order to build courage.
Now I know that God is my help in all situations. But today my faith is weak and all I can see are the waves sweeping over consuming me in doubt and fear.
Gardenfire has a word for me today and it is printed on this t-shirt! I need to be like Peter...get out of the boat and walk to Jesus! Be a "wave walker" not a victim of the wave to be tossed and thrown and swallowed up. I need to plant my feet on top of the wave and walk the crest holding to my Savior's hand. Gardenfire has reminded me to "Fear Not" and it is advise for such a time as this! Thanks to all the gang at Gardenfire and for Christians who are walking the wave to victory. Keep me in your prayers.....This shirt and its good Word for the day has given me hope when I felt that I was drowning. How about you? Did it speak to you too? Send me an email and let Gardenfire know how they minister to you.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Body

Throughout the Scripture reference is made to the Body of Christ as The Church...a group of believers who have been bought by the Blood of Jesus and who desire to follow Jesus. I think it is fairly reasonable to assume that we all understand the parts and functions of our bodies. But do we understand the parts and functions of The Church as a Body? The thing about Christianity is that it is a living Faith centered around a living God Who walks and talks with us daily. Without the Life in our beliefs we are without heart and breath. This seperates us from religions that worship things, animals, stars, earth, or whatever else takes God's place. The Church is a living organism controlled by the Spirit of God and given the mission of loving, caring for, healing, and leading all towards a deep intimacy with God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
Gardenfire has presented us with a t-shirt that proclaims this rich truth. Christians are to be living examples of God's Grace. We are to function as a body..each with significance and working together for the same purpose. Gardenfire's design reminds us that we are not a stagnant structure of morter and stone. We are a living, breathing unit of many parts...we are The Body of Christ...We are The Church!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

His Love

Many people can not handle the grossness and pain when thinking of death by crucifixion. As a child, I refused to allow the inhumaness of such a scene seep into my consciousness. As an adult, I still can't wrap my brain around it. But one thing I can hold onto is the immeasurable love of Jesus that He would allow such a thing to happen that I might be free from death's judgement. It is one thing for something painful to happen to you, it is quite another to willingly walk into such a horrific experience. Why? Why did He do it? Wasn't there another way to buy our freedom? God is so creative why couldn't He have imagined a less extreme payment for sin?
In our world we can buy our way out of any situation ...or sue our way into money...or lie our way into respectability. But in God's world there is only purity and truth. Therefore only the most extreme price would cover so grievious a crime.
To all Christians out there...to all rebels...to the unsure...to the depressed and broken...to the mighty...to the intellectual...to all people...God had a plan to wipe the sin out of our lives. The plan was, is, and always will be Jesus, His only Son. Gardenfire has relayed this message in such a way that there can be no misunderstanding. Your opportunity to spread the "Cotton Gospel" is unending with design after design declaring God's love and mercy for us. Spread the Word...Live the Truth...wear the shirt!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Love The Lord

1974 late in the evening in a one bedroom apartment in Georgia. A single young lady asleep in her room having cried herself to sleep from disappointment and frustration in the choices she has made with her life. Suddenly the phonograph comes on playing "Thou shalt love the Lord Thy God" by Second Chapter of Acts. She fumbles to the music and clicks the switch off and slumps back into her bed. An hour later the music starts again and this time she is frozen in her bed listening to the message of the song. "....with all thy heart, with all thy mind, with all thy strength..." Then Holy Spirit begins to minister to this young lady. God woes her and calls her to Himself. And in the midst of that night , alone in her room, she gives herself wholly and purely unto the Lord she knew as a girl in her Christian home. She surrenders to the love of a Savior she has been running from for years.
"Love Me with all your heart, my child" His gentle voice reached to her. She did and does. And He, the God of that night, has never left her, forgotten her, nor disappointed her.
All because she dared to take God at his word..."Love Me with all your heart".
God's message...His voice...can be found everywhere. Even on a t-shirt...the cotton gospel!
Share your faith in this loving God. Wear it...sing it...live it...be it!