Tuesday, May 18, 2010

On A Limb

During our busy days which are filled with life "stuff", we find ourselves not always having time to do the christian (small c) things we think we should be doing. There is a saying "talk the talk and walk the walk" which took me some time to figure out the depth of the meaning. I got the first layer of its meaning but failed to seek further layers of the often quoted line. Now in hind sight I realize that the "talk" is easier than the "walk". What we need to do is to live the "walk"every day in all we do..in all we say..in all we are..so that people will listen to the "talk". The world is dying for lack of people who will show God to be real.

I think that's why many Christians don't wear christian t-shirts. When you have your body plastered with a logo of some type, you are making a statement for the world to see. Somehow advertising a sport or a clever media-formulated one liner is not a threat that reveals who we really are. But put on a christian t-shirt and you open the doors to all sorts of comments and speculations from the world. At Gardenfire we give honest, scripturally-based words that share God's Heart in a non-threatening way. These shirts allow the wearer to open a witnessing opportunity without judgement or fear.
Jesus went out on a limb that seemed to be the death of Him. But it was the Life for us that He chose. Go out on a limb for Jesus and help someone else find the Life Jesus offers. Wear your message with the knowledge that God will provide opportunities to share His Love and Grace. Are you out there? Let me know how it's going!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm wondering if you know where you can find the t-shirt displayed here?
