Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cheat Death

The first women's retreat I ever attended was in Buffalo, New York. My husband encouraged me to go and I finally caved in and made the necessary reservation. I was not aware of exactly what was instore at one of these women parties. I certainly did not want to gossip or talk about the price of lettuce nor did I want to hear speakers touting the joys of homemaking. Not that I loathed homemaking but that topic was not what I felt I needed. I was hungry for building a deeper relationship with my Heavenly Father and being with inspirational women who had been tried and tested.
I got to the designated hotel one hour before activities were to begin. This would give me enough time to check in, relax a little from the work day, and catch a little dinner. While in the cafe of the hotel, a man walked in and joined an elderly couple sitting a few tables from me. Within minutes a crowd of screaming men and women were trying to push into the restaurant. They were sent away but the disturbance was irritating to the customers.
After a lovely dinner and two cups of coffee, my girlfriend joined me and we excitedly talked of our expectations for the weekend (by now I was excited with the thought of my girls-weekend-out). My friend turned to me and whispered rather breathlessly, " Do you know who that is?" pointing to the man and the elderly couple. "No", I admitted. "That's Jerry Garcia!!! Of the Grateful Dead!!! I forgot he was giving a concert this weekend."
Not wanting to appear stupid but not knowing who Jerry Garcia was, I simply said "Oh..Yeah". Since then I have figured out who the man was. And about his band..The Greatful Dead. But here's the thing....aren't we, as Christians, the real greatful dead? I am dead to my sinful past...dead to my past failure. The old me is dead to Jesus because I am saved by His Blood to walk in the newness of His abundant Mercy and Grace. So I am eternally greatful that I have new life...new hope...new peace...new chances everyday to follow Him. Are you "greatful" as well? Write me and let me know what you think.

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