Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Several years ago I was on a plane from Kansas City heading back home. The plane had engine problems while in the air and the next thing I knew, the Flight Attendant was yelling "Head down, stay down, Prepare for emergency landing. Head down, stay down, prepare for emergency landing!" That was when I realized we were in deep trouble. Now some will say they saw their life flash before them. Not me...I was acutely aware of my surroundings. Everything seemed to slow down...time became suspended...and I watched as passengers prepared for their fates. One man took off his wedding ring, kissed it then placed it in his pants pocket. A woman got out pictures of children. She showed them to me across the aisle. "My grandchildren", she said with tears in her eyes. A small boy sitting in front of me with his dad shrunk down into his dad's side. "Are we going to die, Dad?" The man,obviously frightened, looked at me and whispered... "What do I say?" I gathered my own courage and replied, "Tell him that you love him". Moments that seemed like hours passed until the Captain told us that we had averted danger by the Grace of God. Now, I don't know if the captain was a believer, but at that moment he definitely was trusting a higher power. I have shared this story several times stating that I had no trouble sharing God's love in those moments. Yet, I find it hard to share my beliefs with my neighbors, people I know and work with, even friends that I know do not believe in God. The Bible tells us to "go into the world..." God, give me Your Grace and courage to go next door...down the street...around the corner. Help me to speak of Your love and mercy to all. Not just in time of crisis but as part of my everyday life. Anyone got a story? Share it with us....

Monday, February 15, 2010

Non Conformist

During childhood we spend a great deal of time doing things our own way only to be reminded, in one fashion or another, that we must fit in with the rules of society...act properly...do the right thing. Then in our teen years we follow every trend, fad, and media ploy to fit in ...be cool...find acceptance. Through each phase we say we are "finding ourselves". When actually all we are doing is following the pack and looking like clones of each other. Every time we say we are fighting against conformity, we are running headlong into sameness...we are conforming. God says that we are made in His imagine. Is that conforming?

If you know anything about the nature of God it is that He loves even desires diversity. All creation speaks to His imagination and creativity. So it stands to reason that God also revels in the differences of each of us. His image is complex and differentiated. And so are we. Romans tells us not to conform to the world but be transformed through the renewing of our minds. In other words, our mindset must line up with God's. Children have the same traits as their parents. If we are to reflect our Heavenly Father, then as His children, we will act like Him, think like Him, and look like Him. I am working on this. What are your thoughts? Anyone out there? Write me and tell me about your "conforming" lessons in life.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Little ones bring so much joy into our lives and all too soon they grow up leaving us with warm memories and an empty space in our hearts. I wonder if God, our Father ever feels like that? But, then we know the answer to that......for God so loved us that He sent His Only Son to die for us so that we could be reconciled to Him never to be apart for all of eternity. Now, that's love! Does God have "empty nest" syndrome when we are far from Him? Yes, He does....He wants to be with us and us with Him. What a great feeling....to be wanted by God for all time! We were made to praise Him ......we were MADE to praise Him.

Monday, February 1, 2010

One God..One Son..One Choice

We hear so many voices in the world and most of us are trying to choose which one to listen to. Our politicians freely give us their opinions. The media blasts us with its ideas. Even a conversation with friends and family can be riddled with opposing opinions that can cause us to rethink or dig our heels in deeper. So where is the voice of reason? Where is the one true constant that we can hold onto in these shaky times? Our anchor is in God's Word...our truth is found in Jesus Christ. Whether we want to believe it or not, the day is coming when the only thing that separates us from everyone else lies in what we do with Jesus. Do we accept Him or reject Him? Is Jesus our constant or not?
I wonder if this T-shirt upsets anyone. For some, the thought that they will one day bow down to the One they have refused must seem offensive. And what gives us the right to "judge" them or set ourselves above their beliefs. But there's the rub....it is not us who judge nor us who set ourselves above. At least if we are true followers of Jesus then we must obey His word....speak the truth in love. Yes, we will all bow down but to the God who has been calling us all to follow Him. Tell me what your experiences have been when you wore this shirt. How do handle those who oppose your beliefs? Are you out there?