A teacher's tools of the trade are textbooks, paper, lesson plans,
pencils,markers, chalk,
tape, rulers, sticky notes, etc. etc. But what use are those tools without the driving force behind them. In this case, the teacher with his/her dedication, love of students, and expertise in subject matter.
A farmer's tools include tractors, shovels, gloves, hoes, watering utensils, etc. etc. But without the desire to plant nor the willpower to cultivate, care for, or even get up early in the am, what crop would there be?
It's not the tools that get the results, it is the one using them for a desired purpose. The nails and hammer fulfilled the purpose of God...the reason that Jesus came from Heaven...to buy us from the grips of eternal death and reconcile us to God. Look at the tools...feel their impact...be repulsed by the image...but remember their purpose and live like it matters!
I want this tee. Nowhere online does it seem to be available. Can you help?