I am reminded of a line from a Second Chapter of Acts song which states "taking the easy way isn't an easy way". It takes so much effort to live a lie and more strength to convince others to follow the lie. Yet, we do it day in and day out. The scripture tells us that we think ourselves wise. We have created our own story of creation and have deemed ourselves all powerful so that we are accountable to none. Don't you find it hard to believe that "chance "is to be given credit for all life and the universe? No, it is not hard to believe in God. From a simple butterfly wing to the mighty oceans to the expanse of the galaxies to the tenderness of a child's embrace...yes I believe in God. I see Him everywhere and marvel at His creation. I feel Him in joy and despair. I hear His voice in the silence and in the noise. I sense Him each day that dawns. I cannot believe a world without God. It is harder to believe that humanity began without a Great Maker. If I am wrong I lose nothing. If the unbeliever is wrong he or she loses everything!
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