I've never deeply loved someone whom I've never met. I've never given love with abandonment to anyone without believing that somehow it would be returned in some measure. This is human love. Yet, the Creator of the Universe loves me beyond my understanding. He has called me to Himself and sent His Son to ransom me from darkness. Why? Because He has found worth in me? Because His happiness revolves around what my next move might be? Of course, the answer is a very loud "NO!!" to each of these questions. God loves for the pure joy of loving in all its richness and grace. He forgives utterly. When God's love and forgiveness walk together, there is no one who can hid from His Face. There is no one who need ever be alone or in sin or in pain or in the clutches of eternal damnation. God's love is so complete it can permeate any crevice...any depth...any darkness. God's love is free to all for the asking. And for those of us who have accepted His call, we are commanded to forgive as He does. This forgiveness runs in our blood as well for we have been adopted into God's Family. By taking Jesus' Blood as payment for our sins, we take on the yoke of Jesus as well. We must forgive as He forgives. We are compelled to love as He loves. We are commissioned to live as He lives...with abandonment and holiness. Anybody out there? Write and tell me what you're thinking
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