Name any problem or sticky situation in life that didn't seem impossible at first. Most times we can hang on until the pressure breaks or the answer arrives. Usually just in the nick of time.
But what about the darkness that has no light...the tunnel that has no end...the problem that is too big to handle? What of those times? You've prayed, listened, and waited...still no resolution. In those times we often think God has abandoned us or left us to rot in our own misery. But, as strange as it seems, that is when God does some of His best work!
Faith kicks in and breathes
hope to life. Personally, I rarely understand God's timing nor His decisions. But this I do know...
His ways are always perfect!So if this finds you suffering from "up-hill climbing", "running a rat race", or "free-falling in blackness"...be filled with
hope for your days are about to be changed by an Almighty God Who loves you more than you can possibly imagine!