As in any garden, there are weeds that hide in the midst of beautiful flowers. Sometimes the weeds are not hidden. In fact, they pass themselves off as cultured flowers sporting bright colors and enticing
foliage. But do not be deceived...they are weeds just the same and must be plucked from the garden lest they overtake the more delicate flowers and choke the beauties that the gardener has so carefully selected and toiled over. So it is in life. We are the
fertile soil that God tills and in which He plants the word of truth. He waters and nurtures our soil day and night. We are also the home for weeds that take root and soon try to overtake the truth that God has planted. But do not be discouraged or forlorn. God, the Greatest Gardener, has a plan. Romans tells us that all of us have sinned. We all are not worthy and wickedly turn to our own
understanding. God, the Merciful, having seen that we would loose our way, sent Jesus to the rescue. Jesus would die for us so that the evil root could be weeded out of us and make us God-worthy once again. The cross is a symbol of death , sacrifice, and sin. But Jesus' love for us makes the cross bloom with hope, salvation, and a promise of forgiveness. Wear this flowered cross as a reminder of the
ever growing love of God that reaches out to us all. Are you out there? Write me........